
Showing posts from September, 2017


We are capable of so much more than we realize in everyday life, and when we can just let go of our hold on the physical structures that hold us to the ground, then we can begin to understand just how far we can soar under our own power! Through out the sea of our lives there are so many waves which we rely on, and while sometimes we do need these waves, we can also learn that these sources of concern DO NOT ALWAYS LAST. what is really lasting and permanent dwells within us, in the purest and undiluted form of positive self esteem and unwavering belief in our own unique abilities. Accept you the way you are. In your world, you're the boss. You call the shots! Every feeling of not being enough is a sign of you allowing the enemy into your space. YOU'RE KING! RULE YOUR KINGDOM!

Do not romanticise abuse.

Tears for mistakes not made sorrow for a broken hymen wails bound by violence speak and bleed he snared silence I then embraced papa's brother Obed professing rotten love hijacked my purity in its place he constantly buried my trust Mama I wanted to tell but November never came                     "eleventh hour late" by yours truly